
Deacons is a ministry of members of Hilltop’s congregation elected to serve to meet the needs of the church, our congregation, and the community by providing care, support, and assistance.

Care Group Ministry

Lunch with Friends

College Student Care

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Family Intervention Services

Deacons Fellowship & Fundraising

Care for the members of our congregation is the primary purpose and privilege of the Deacons. Each of the Hilltop Deacons has a specific Care Group comprised of various members of the congregation. Efforts are made to reach out to care group members often to inform them of events going on at church as well as to assess any specific needs for outreach. We provide meals and sunshine baskets for members facing difficulties, as well as assistance with house care, shopping, or other basic needs.

Lunch with Friends offers members of the local community a homemade meal and opportunity for fellowship. Guests are entertained by the joyful voices of the children at the Hilltop Christian Nursery School, and occasionally by the Brookside Belles. Each month we raffle a handmade quilt, handmade by Hilltop member Paula Raimondo. Lunches are held on the second Wednesday of each month excluding Lent and August.

There are a number of Deacons who provide outreach and ongoing contact to our members who have moved on to college. We recognize our seniors in the spring with handmade scarves in their college colors and make efforts to stay in touch with gift cards and notes throughout the school year.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with a trying situation? We have a group of Deacons that are talented knitters. They knit baby blankets for baptisms, prayer shawls, and hats for those who need a bit of warmth and comfort. All knitters are welcome to join!

Deacons coordinate Hilltop’s support for Family Intervention Services throughout the year. FIS is a local charitable organization that strives to strengthen and support families in New Jersey with critical needs. Hilltop’s ongoing support has ranged from gift certificates to complete Thanksgiving meals. The Love Lines program also provides Christmas gifts for children in need. We are proud to have supported this wonderful organization for 40 years.

The Deacons host annual gatherings for the congregation that provide fellowship and fun, as well as fundraising for church ministries. The Pancake Supper is held on Shrove Tuesday. Funds raised are donated to a local community organization. The Deacon’s Picnic is held each spring typically on the first Sunday in June. It’s a lovely opportunity to gather together and enjoy a BBQ style picnic complete with food, fun, and games for the kids. The garage sale is the epitome of a “trash to treasure” fundraiser!